Thursday, March 15, 2012

The rain in Spain stays mainly NOT in the plain

I’m sure most of us remember Professor Higgins teaching Eliza Doolittle the lyrics: "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain". Of course it was a language exercise for Eliza to learn how to pronounce correctly, but do the lyrics hold true? Certainly not. I can assure you that the rain in Spain stays mainly NOT in the plain. I happen to live in the plain and it hardly rains here. As a matter of fact, Spain has faced its driest winter ever recorded. Is it because of climate change? Probably… As a result, Spain is in the grip of facing its worst drought this summer. As water reserves start to shrink, "Water Wars" (Cities or whole regions import water from other areas in Spain) from past years will soon unfold again. This week we have gone straight from winter to summer, no spring weather in between and it makes me wonder when will the water cuts begin?

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