Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Don’t Cast a Clout ‘till May is Out

The English saying: "Don't cast a clout till May is out" means do not take off your winter coat untill the May flowers are out. In the past people in autumn sewed themselves into their heavy winter underwear and wore it until the following spring when the flowers appeared on the May bushes (Yuck!)
Well, there is a similar Spanish proverb that says: "Hasta el cuarenta de mayo, no te quites el sayo", which means "Until the 40th of may, don't take your coat off". Last week we went straight from winter weather to summer weather, no spring weather in between. Yesterday was the beginning of spring, but it snowed, back to the winter weather, showing that the people who invented the proverb were right, you can’t bet on non-stop good weather in Spain until June.

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