Wednesday, December 7, 2011

High Fidelity or the Art of List Making

A while ago I was posting on FB a top 15 list of albums and an old classmate made the comment that it should be a top 20+ list because all his favorite ones didn’t fit, or maybe divide the list in stages. I disagree. The whole purpose of a top list is to weed out all unnecessary items and list only the best. The smaller the list is, the more difficult it is to chose, but it will also guarantee your true favorite ones. Just as I was pondering on this, I remembered a film called "High Fidelity" where John Cusack and Jack Black try to summarize life in top five lists. And this gave me an idea. Since this is my blog, I will only post top 5 lists. A top 5 list is a true encapsulation of your tastes and way more self-revealing than a longer list.

High Fidelity top 5 records. Side ones, Track ones

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