Sunday, November 20, 2011

Town Mouse and City Mouse

Where do you live? I happen to live in a town. Well, according to the natives here, we live in a city. They’ll tell you proudly that it says so in their coat of arms: "…Very Heroic City… ". But what really makes a town a town and a city a city? According to Spanish people, a city is a place that holds more than 30,000 people. But to me, a city is a place where you can go for a walk without finding anybody you know and feel obliged to say hi or find out people have been talking behind your back. It’s a place where there are more than two buses, one yellow and the other red, which pretty much have the same route. And more importantly, it’s a place where there is more than one water pipe going into it. Last month the whole town had no water for three days, yes three. Imagine no flushing, or bathing or anything else. The supermarkets were making a fortune selling bottled water and those that weren’t, had none in their shelves. So shouldn’t having more than one water pipe be an important factor considered for a definition of a city? As far as I am concerned I still live in a town.

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