Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Enchufados, the saga begins…

A Spanish concept that really boggles my mind is the "enchufe". You see, "enchufe" literally refers to an electrical plug or socket. However, in Spain it is also used to refer to someone "on the inside" who pulls a few strings for you to get whatever you want: a job, a bank loan, a deal on a car, you name it. This concept of having friends in the right places seems to be the norm here and I truly believe this country is a mess because of "enchufes" among other things which I will leave for another post.

I haven't looked for a job in twenty years. My only job in this country seemed to creep up on me before I even started looking for one. Looking for a job in Spain with no "enchufe" is trying to plug in a lamp directly into the wall with no outlet, and we all know the results of that. No outlet, no light. No "enchufe", no job. And although I disagree with it on every ethical level, I can’t help but wonder if I will become like the locals and end up being an "enchufado". Only time will tell…

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