Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Books in Freedom

Whenever I visit a new city, I check out what's to do for free. Madrid is no exception. As most big cities go, it's packed with these kind of activities. But while I was visiting the Chamberi district, I happened to run into a unique free place. Its name is Libros Libres (Books in Freedom) and its put in place a really innovative concept, or is it? It gives out books for free.

With the crisis looming over our heads, it's surprising that a bookstore wants to give away books, but that's the way it works. The concept is pure solidarity and the process is very simple. You browse, take as many books as you want at no cost, or pay whatever you feel like or leave books of your own. That's it!

In this dreary economic climate we are living in, isn't it just great that something so simple as books and reading could hold the key to a better and more educated world? It's certainly an antidote for the crisis! Things that make you go hmm...

Libros Libres is located at Covarrubias 7 in the Chamberi District.

Libreria Libros Libres